In this case it's good to get familiar with it, but I still don't recommend using it except when your explicit goal is to learn how to use For.įinally, based on your question it sounds like you might find this course very useful: You are learning programming for the first time using Mathematica and you want to get familiar with this construct, which is very common in C-like languages. You are translating code from a language which has an analogous for construct (C, C++, Java, etc.) and you want to minimize the risk of messing up something, at least during the first pass of translation You're facing one of the very rare cases when it really provides a simpler solution than the alternatives If you are a beginner in Mathematica I recommend that you avoid For for now in favour of Do or While. These are called procedural constructs and they are not what we usually use in Mathematica (though they're definitely necessary and advantageous in some situations) Here are several examples which should get you started:

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